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General Information

This form is the official and only means by which recruiters will have access to your information. Please make sure to answer every question to the best of your ability, providing incorrect information can lead to your offers or interests being terminated or rescended after acceptance if the information by which you provided conditionally was used for acceptance within a university. 

Please attach appropriate documents or images where applicable, any information released by this medium will be shared with all recruiters including recruiters not physically present at the showcase.

!! Upcoming Events !!

15th-16th of March 2024

12:00PM -8PM

Mannie Ramjohn Stadium

Cold Race Course Rd

San Fernando

Trinidad & Tobago

School Information

In this section all relevant information about your school history is required. 

Disclaimer: Reporting false information can lead to players information, highlight videos and showcase highlights be withheld and removed from the catalogue.  Coaches can take back  offers if the information provided are deemed to be inaccurate.

Price of Registration

The showcase will cost $500TT dollar

What to bring ?

If you have any questions about the Showcase?

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